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Map and Directions

Campus Map


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How to Get Here


map of NYS with Cobleskill starred

Enter your starting address for driving directions to SUNY Cobleskill:

For directions on a GPS, use one of the following addresses that fits your visit:

Main Campus (Knapp Hall)
106 Suffolk Circle
Cobleskill, NY

Center for Agriculture & Natural Resources (CANR)
114 Rockland Avenue
Cobleskill, NY


Adirondack Trailways provides bus service to SUNY Cobleskill. Contact Adirondack Trailways at 800-776-7548 or www.trailwaysny.com

Schoharie County Public Transportation services Schoharie County, Cooperstown (Otsego County) and the Greater Capital District. Contact SCPT at 518-234-0952 or www.ridescpt.com 


SUNY Cobleskill is approximately one hour from Albany International Airport, which is serviced daily by several major airlines. Contact the Albany International Airport at 518.242.2200, info@albanyairport.com or at www.albanyairport.com


Amtrak provides train service daily to Albany and Schenectady. SUNY Cobleskill is approximately 30 minutes from the Schenectady station and an hour from the Albany-Rensselaer station. Contact Amtrak at 800.872.7245, TDD/TTY 800.523.6590 or at www.amtrak.com


For those arriving to the area via New York City terminals such as JFK, LaGuardia or Newark airports, Penn Station, or Port Authority Bus Terminal, please contact Amtrak or Trailways buses for connections from NYC to Albany and/or Cobleskill. It is also possible to rent a car and follow the driving directions to the campus.

Travel time from the New York City area is about 3.5 to 4 hours by car or bus, and about 2.5 hours by train to Albany-Rensselaer. Trailways buses also have connections between Albany and Cobleskill. 


Looking for a place to stay in the area?


Campus Creek Trail

Creek Trail

Open the Creek Trail Map full size to print or download