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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Interest Form

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (DEIC) is seeking self-nominations from the campus community to fill vacancies on the Council. When vacancies occur on the DEIC, a call to self-nominate is made to the campus by the DEIC Chair. After interest is reviewed and confirmation is made with the interested person’s supervisor (for faculty/staff) or the Student Government President (for students), the DEIC Chair, the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO), and the President will assess the makeup of the DEIC to ensure representation and then extend a formal invitation. If you are interested in serving as a member of the DEIC, you can find more information regarding membership expectations here. Please also make sure to review the attached Charge of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council.


If you are interested in serving, please complete the form below.


Please contact Marcia Christain, Chair of the DEIC, with any questions or for additional information, at christmm@cobleskill.edu