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SUNY Research Foundation

SUNY Cobleskill utilizes the expertise and administrative capabilities of the Research Foundation of SUNY to administer sponsored programs, including grants and contracts. The Research Foundation of SUNY is a non-profit SUNY-wide private corporation that acts as the legal and fiscal agent on behalf of the College for our grants and sponsored programs. More information is available at www.rfsuny.org.

The funds for all SUNY Cobleskill grants are administered through the campus SUNY Research Foundation office. This office’s duties include approving budgets and cost share for grant and contract applications and awards; processing bids and procurement, purchase requisitions, and payments; keeping accurate fiscal records and submitting financial reports; providing legal counsel; ensuring compliance with all applicable Federal, State, Research Foundation, SUNY and sponsors guidelines; and overseeing audits. In addition, the Research Foundation serves as the official employer of grant-supported staff, including payroll and benefits.



Barry Gell
Deputy Operations Manager

Wendy Gilman
Operations Manager

Becky Yung
Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs
Research Foundation Post-Award Administration