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Faculty Handbook: Section 3

Faculty Senate of the State University of New York

Article I - Establishment and Purposes

Section A. Establishment

The University Faculty Senate, hereafter called the Senate, is established by the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, hereafter called the Policies, in Article VII, Title A as:

  1. Name. There shall be a University Faculty Senate of State University of New York.
  2. Purposes. The Senate shall be the official agency through which the University Faculty engages in the governance of the University. The Senate shall be concerned with effective educational policies and other professional matters within the University.

Article II - Senate Membership and Elections

Section A. Membership

The Senate is composed of the President; Vice President/Secretary; and Senators as specified in Article VII, Title B of the Policies. The immediate past President and immediate past Vice President/Secretary shall be non‑voting Members of the Senate for one term of two years by reason of office. Committee Chairpersons who are not Senators shall be non-voting Members of the Senate by reason of office. Members of the Senate, elected or appointed, fulfill the purpose of the body, but no Member has the authority to speak in its name, other than the President or designee specified in these Bylaws.

Section B. Appointment and Election of Senators

The appointment and election of Senators shall conform to Article VII, Title B of the Policies.

  1. Composition. The Senate shall consist of the Chancellor of the University, two representatives having University-wide responsibilities and representatives from each State-operated unit and contract college in numbers determined as follows:
    1. One representative from each unit, independent of the size of the professional staff.
    2. Additional representatives shall be authorized from units on the basis of the number of full-time professional staff according to the following: a second representative for units whose full-time professional staff is greater than or equal to 600 but less than 1,100; a third representative for units whose professional staff is greater than or equal to 1,100 but less than 1,600; and a fourth representative for units whose professional staff is greater or equal to 1,600.
  2. Election and Appointment. The Chancellor of the University shall appoint the two University representatives and the two alternate University representatives having University-wide responsibilities. The professional staff of each State-operated unit and contract college shall, by secret ballot and majority of those voting, elect their own representatives and alternates in a manner that shall be further specified in the bylaws of each unit's faculty, provided that the alternate representatives shall serve for the same term as the representatives for whom they are alternates. Alternate representatives shall serve in the absence or inability to act for the representative for whom they are alternates and, in that event, such alternate representatives shall exercise all the powers and duties of the representatives for whom they are alternates.
  3. Terms. The University representatives shall serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor of the University. Each representative of a State-operated unit or contract college shall serve for a term of three years; provided however, that no such representative shall serve as a member of the Senate after termination of employment in the unit which the representative was elected.
  4. Reelection. An elected representative who has served a full three-year term or major fraction thereof shall be eligible to serve a second consecutive three-year term. Representatives shall not be eligible to serve again as members of the Senate until the expiration of one year from the end of their last preceding term. Representatives who have served only a minor fraction of one three-year term may serve for two additional three-year terms.
  5. Vacancies. If a leave of absence or other reason will prevent a Senator or alternate from performing the duties of the office for a period of one academic year or longer, the position will be declared vacant and a new election will be held to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. An individual currently serving as an alternate may run in the election for a Senate seat that has been vacated in this manner. In the event that both the Senator and the alternate are simultaneously unable to represent the campus for a period in excess of four months during the academic year, both offices will be declared vacant and the unexpired term will be filled by a new election.

Section C. Notice of Vacancies

By February 1st of each year, the President of the Senate shall send to the Senators and administrative heads of those units for which vacancies will occur on July 1, a notice to this effect, with a request that the election of a Senator and alternate be held, and the results of the election transmitted to the President of the Senate by April 1st. 

Section D. Membership by Reason of Office

  1. Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Vice President/Secretary. The immediate past President and immediate past Vice President/Secretary shall serve as non-voting Members of the Senate by reason of office for one term of two years.
  2. Chairpersons of Standing Committees. Those Chairpersons of Standing Committees who are not elected Senators shall serve as non-voting Members of the Senate by reason of office.

Article III - Offices and Elections

Section A. Election of Senate Officers

In accordance with Policies, Article VII, Title C:

  1. President of the Senate. Before July 1 of each odd-numbered year, the Senate shall elect one of its elected members as President of the Senate for a term of two years. Upon election as President to the Senate, the elected member shall vacate the position as the representative of his or her unit in the Senate. The President of the Senate shall preside at all meetings of the Senate and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be vested in the President by this Article and the bylaws of the Senate. The President shall be an ex officio member of all Senate committees. The President of the Senate may be reelected for a second term but may not thereafter be eligible for a successive term.
  2. Vice President/Secretary. Before July 1 of each even-numbered year, the Senate shall elect one of its elected members to serve as Vice President/Secretary for a term of two years. The Vice President/Secretary shall take and keep minutes of the Senate and shall exercise such other powers and duties as the Senate shall provide in its bylaws.  The Vice President/Secretary shall serve as the President of the Senate during that officer's absence or inability to act. Any regular member of the Senate is eligible to serve as Vice President/Secretary for one year beyond the expiration of his or her three-year term as a Senate member. In such case the Vice President/Secretary shall become a nonvoting member of the Senate and the unit shall be represented by a regularly elected successor.
  3. Vacancies. A vacancy in the office of President or Vice President/Secretary shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original election, at the next succeeding meeting of the Senate following the occurrence of the vacancy. In the interim, the Executive Committee shall elect one of its members to serve in an acting capacity until the vacancy is filled.

Section B. Elections

Election to the offices of the Senate and its Executive Committee for terms beginning July 1 shall be held during the Spring Meeting of the Senate. The order of elections shall be:  officer positions, then elected members of the Executive Committee.

Section C. Nominating Committee

  1. Annual Nominations. All Senators in the last year of their terms shall constitute the Nominating Committee. The President shall designate the Chairperson of this committee from among those eligible to serve on the committee. The committee shall include at least one member from an institution in each of the groups specified in Article VIII, Section B of these Bylaws. The committee shall meet at the Winter Meeting of the Senate and shall seek to nominate at least two candidates for the appropriate officer’s position. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall request that each candidate prepare and submit for distribution to Members of the Senate a vita and statement of candidacy, each not to exceed one page. These shall arrive at the Senate office at least four weeks prior to the spring meeting of the Senate.
  2. Nominations for Vacancies. When an Officer of the Senate vacates his or her position during a term, the Executive Committee shall appoint an Intraterm Nominating Committee composed of members of the immediately previous nominating committee who continue to serve as elected Members of the Senate or who are elected Members of the Senate serving the final year of their terms, and appoint one as chairperson.  The committee shall include at least one member from an institution in each of the groups specified in Article VIII, Section B of these Bylaws.  The intraterm committee shall have the duties specified in number 1 of this section.

Section D. Conduct of Elections

It shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee or Intraterm Nominating Committee to conduct all elections for Officers of the Senate and Members of the Executive Committee at meetings of the Senate.

Section E. Method of Elections

Elections shall be by secret ballot of the Senate as a whole, and a majority of the votes cast shall be required for election. If no candidate for an office or position receives a majority of the votes cast, then the candidate who received the lowest number of votes shall be removed from the slate, and the election repeated until a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.  If there is only one candidate for a position as Member of the Executive Committee, and if there is no objection from the floor, the Senate may authorize the Vice President/Secretary to cast a single ballot for that candidate. 

Section F. Nominations for Members of the Executive Committee

  1. Nominations. Candidates for the elected positions on the Executive Committee shall be nominated by their respective groups of institutions outlined in Article VIII, Section B, of these Bylaws. Additional nominations from the floor for each position to be filled shall then be accepted. 
  2. Vacancies. An intraterm vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled by the Executive Committee following a call for nominations by the Senators from the group of institutions represented by the position. The Senators of that group shall consult and propose one or more nominees for consideration by the Executive Committee, and may do so by electronic means. The Executive Committee shall elect such a nominee to serve until the next regular meeting of the Senate, at which meeting an election shall be held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.

Article IV - Agenda for Regular Meetings of the Senate

Section A. Meetings

In accordance with Article VII, Title D, Section 1 of the Policies:

The Senate shall meet at least twice a year at such times and places as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the Senate may be called in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws.

Section B. Meetings Agenda

At least ten calendar days prior to a regular meeting of the Senate, the President shall send the proposed agenda to the Members of the Senate. The agenda for all Senate meetings shall provide, as a priority order of business, an opportunity for the Chancellor to report to the Senate. The agenda shall be approved by the Executive Committee prior to the opening of the Senate meeting; the committee may modify the proposed agenda by adding or deleting items. Requests for changes may be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing or electronic text by any Member of the Senate no later than three days before a meeting of the Senate. The Senate may, by two-thirds vote, modify the agenda approved by the Executive Committee.  Floor resolutions arising out of discussion during the normal course of business shall require only a majority vote to be considered.

Article V - Special Meetings of the Senate

Section A. Calling Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Senate may be called by the Executive Committee or shall be called by the President when petitioned by at least one-fourth of the Members of the Senate. The petition shall state the matters to be addressed by the special meeting. Special meetings may also be called by the Chancellor. Special meetings shall be held at times and places designated by the Executive Committee.

Section B. Agenda for Special Meetings

The agenda for a special meeting of the Senate shall be contained in the call for the meeting. Additional items may be added to the agenda by the vote of three-fourths of the voting Members present.

Article VI - Duties and Responsibilities of Senators

The duties and responsibilities of Senators shall include representation of their constituents, bringing to the Senate matters of concern from their constituent campuses, and reporting fully and regularly to their constituents on the activities of the Senate.

Article VII - Duties and Responsibilities of Senate Officers

Section A. President

The President is the Presiding Officer of the Senate, shall preside at all the meetings of the Senate and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be vested by this Article and the Bylaws of the Senate. The President shall be an ex officio member of all Senate committees, shall serve as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and have such other duties as the Senate or Executive Committee shall assign. The President shall communicate the resolutions of the Senate to the persons or bodies to whom those resolutions are directed and shall monitor the disposition and implementation of its actions.

Section B. Vice President/Secretary

The Vice President/Secretary shall make and keep the minutes of the Senate, shall exercise such powers and duties as the Senate shall provide in its Bylaws, and shall serve as President of the Senate during that officer's absence or inability to act. The Vice President/Secretary shall preside over the Executive Committee in the absence of the President.

Article VIII - Membership, Responsibilities, and Duties of Senate Standing Committees

Section A. Committees

In accordance with Article VII, Title D, Section 2 of the Policies. The Senate may establish such standing committees as it deems advisable and shall prescribe the functions of such committees. One such committee shall be the Executive Committee. The chairpersons and members of all other standing committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve for terms of one year commencing July 1st of each year. Committee members shall be eligible for reappointment.

Section B. Executive Committee

There shall be an Executive Committee of the Senate which shall be comprised of the President of the Senate; the Vice President/Secretary; one of the two University-wide Representatives whom the Chancellor shall designate to serve; and one Senator representing each of the groups of institutions specified in #1 of this Section B, who shall be elected by the Senate. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The elected Senators shall serve one year terms commencing July 1 of each year. They shall be eligible for reelection as Members of the Executive committee. The immediate past President and immediate past Vice President/Secretary shall serve as non-voting Members of the Executive Committee for one term of two years by reason of office.

  1. Elected Representatives. To determine the elected representative Members of the Executive Committee, the institutions comprising the state-operated and statutory colleges of the State University of New York shall be organized into the following groups, each of which shall be represented by one Member of the Executive Committee (See Article III, Sections B, D E and F for election procedures):

    Group 1. University Colleges

    State University College at Brockport
    State University College at Buffalo
    State University College at Cortland
    State University College at Empire State College
    State University College at Fredonia
    State University College at Geneseo
    State University College at New Paltz
    State University College at Old Westbury
    State University College at Oneonta
    State University College at Oswego
    State University College at Plattsburgh
    State University College at Potsdam
    State University College at Purchase

    Group 2. Health Science Centers

    State University of New York College of Optometry
    State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
    State University of New York at Buffalo Health Sciences Center
    State University of New York at Stony Brook Health Sciences Center
    State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse

    Group 3. Colleges of Technology/Agriculture

    State University of New York College of Technology at Alfred
    State University of New York college of Technology at Canton
    State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
    State University of New York College of Technology at Delhi
    State University of New York College of Technology at Morrisville

    Group 4. Specialized and Statutory Colleges

    State University of New York College of Technology at Farmingdale
    State University of New York maritime College
    State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
    New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University
    New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University
    New York State College of Human Ecology at Cornell University
    New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University
    New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University

    Group 5. University Centers

    State University of New York at Albany
    State University of New York at Binghamton
    State University of New York at Buffalo
    State University of New York at Stony Brook

  2. Responsibilities and Duties. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to conduct business when the Senate is not in session. In addition, the Executive Committee shall have the responsibility:
    1. To appoint members of such standing committees as may be established by the Senate and to direct the activities of such committees. The incoming and continuing officers of the Senate (President or Vice President/Secretary) and the incoming members of the Executive Committee, in consultation with the outgoing members of the Executive Committee, shall select the Chairpersons and members of the Standing Committees. Committee members shall be eligible for reappointment.
    2. To advise the President on creating and staffing ad hoc committees of the Senate and also directing the activities of such committees.
    3. To meet when deemed necessary by a majority of the Executive Committee or the Chairperson of the Executive Committee at times and places designated by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
    4. To report to the Senate on the Committee's activities since the last meeting of the Senate and on any actions it has taken in the name of the Senate.
    5. To approve the agenda for Senate meetings.
    6. To exercise such other powers and duties as may be conferred upon it by the Senate. Among such duties is its charge to act as the Committee on Committees of the body with power to counsel Standing Committees, Ad Hoc Committees, chairpersons, and committee members.

Article IX - Ad Hoc Committees

Section A. Ad Hoc Committees shall be created by either of the following procedures:

The University Faculty Senate, hereafter called the Senate, is established by the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, hereafter called the Policies, in Article VII, Title A as:

  1. The President in consultation with the Executive Committee shall appoint and charge ad hoc committees.
  2. The President, by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, and in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint and charge ad hoc committees.

Article X - Reports and Resolutions

Section A. Reports

All committee reports shall be presented in writing to the Senate at regular meetings and be received by a majority vote. Apart from reception by a majority vote, committee reports require no further action by the Senate.

Section B. Resolutions

Resolutions are actions adopted by a majority vote of the Senate or by larger majority vote when required by these Bylaws or the parliamentary authority. Proposed resolutions shall be submitted separately from committee reports or any other materials. The President shall communicate the resolutions of the Senate to the persons or bodies to whom those resolutions are directed and shall monitor the disposition and implementation by those persons or bodies of its resolutions. 

Article XI - Quorums and Actions

Section A. Quorums for Meetings

A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Senate, its Executive Committee, and of any committees of the Senate, shall be a majority of the voting members of each body.

Section B. Actions

Unless specified otherwise in these Bylaws, the act of a majority of the members present and eligible to vote at any meeting of the Senate, the Executive Committee, or committees of the Senate, shall be the act of that body.

Section C. Electronic Meetings

Committees of the Senate may conduct meetings and distribute materials to be considered by electronic means. Members of a committee may similarly participate in meetings they are unable to attend in person.  Committees may conduct discussions of and with the consent of two-thirds of their members vote on reports or proposed Senate resolutions by electronic means.

Article XII - Rules of Procedure

Procedures at meetings of the Senate and Senate committees shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws. The Senate shall have a parliamentarian selected by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Article XIII - Amendmends

Section A. Procedures for Changes of Bylaws

In accordance with Article VII, Title E, Section 1 of the Policies:

The Senate may adopt, amend, or repeal such bylaws as it deems advisable, consistent with this Article VII, governing its activities and procedures.

  1. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the Executive Committee not later than one month in advance of any regular meeting of the Senate. Amendments so submitted shall be introduced at one meeting of the Senate and voted on at the following Senate meeting.
  2. Amendments submitted in accordance with paragraph 1 above shall be reported to the Senate by the Executive Committee, with recommendation.
  3. Amendments offered in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Members present and voting.

Section B. Procedure for Changes to Article VII of the Policies of the Board of Trustees

In accordance with Article VII, Title F of the Policies:

Proposed amendments to this Article may be recommended to the Board of Trustees by a majority vote of the Senate. The Chancellor shall transmit proposed amendments to the Board of Trustees with recommendations. Amendments, in such form as approved by the Board, shall become effective if ratified by the professional staff of a majority of State-operated units and contract colleges, by secret ballot, within such time period not in excess of one year as may be fixed by the Board of Trustees.

These Bylaws incorporate all amendments adopted by the University Faculty Senate at its January 2007 Plenary Meeting. 

The faculty Senate is an organization composed of faculty elected representatives from each State-operated unit. The composition, purposes and operational procedures of the Faculty Senate are delineated in Article VII of the current Policies of the Board of Trustees.  The essence of its purpose is to consider matters of mutual interest to the faculties of the University.  The elected President presides at Senate meetings and, with the Executive Committee, supervises the committee structure.  The standing committees of the Senate include:

Faculty are encouraged to serve on these committees. Nominations are solicited each spring (April) by the Faculty Senator.


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