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Connect to the WiFi

Wireless Connections

OneCoby: This wireless network is used for all personal devices unless you wish to use a wired connection.

Details for what it looks like and when:Starting July 5th we will start adding users’ domain accounts to the new system.  When your account is added you will receive an e-mail form the address “no-reply@extremecloudiq.com” .  This message will arrive in your campus, @cobleskill.edu, inbox.  DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE.  This message will contain your personal key to connect to the new wireless system.The message contents will look like the image below

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Wired: If you are connecting a device via wired Ethernet connection , please use the grey network jacks labeled Eth2 and Eth3.

CobyNet: This wireless network is used for all campus-owned devices only unless you wish to use a wired connection


Helpdesk Knowledge Base - https://cobleskill.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/277/Portal/KB/