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Program Review

All academic degree programs must undergo thorough review every five years according to the State University of New York.  The Undergraduate Committee of the SUNY Faculty Senate in cooperation with representatives of the Faculty Council of Community Colleges developed the Guide for the Evaluation of Undergraduate Academic Programs to encourage improvement through a self-study process of planning, implementing, and evaluating. Although program review is on a five year cycle, institutions should collect, analyze, and use data continuously. The mission, goals, and objectives of the program and the institution provide the necessary framework for evaluation. All activities derive their relevance from this framework. Consequently, assessment of the program evaluates the collective effectiveness of the activities in achieving the mission, goals and objectives.

Similarly, mission, goals, and objectives determine the appropriate criteria, standards, and measures for a program review. Quality is difficult to define; consequently, faculty, students, and administrators should all engage in the dialogue to clarify its meaning in the program being reviewed. Using multiple measures to collect comprehensive sets of data results in more valid assessments of quality and success. Open sharing and interpretation of data encourage the use of evidence to support conclusions. Primary responsibility for assessment rests with the faculty, administrators and staff directly involved in the program.

Documents necessary for Program Review at SUNY Cobleskill: