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Faculty Resources

Hand holding a globe, Photo by Fateme Alaie on Unsplash

Study Abroad at Home with COIL

Bring cross-cultural exchange into your classes through Collaborative Online International Learning. COIL is about connecting across difference. COIL connects you and a colleague in another country to develop collaborative projects that your students do together across time zones, language differences and geographical distance using online tools. It becomes one aspect of your course, supporting your student learning goals, giving you and your students the opportunity to engage hands-on with your course concepts and new ideas and – most importantly – exploring them from different cultural perspectives.Click on the link to learn more!

The Office of International Education is ready to assist you.

Study Abroad and Travel

Are you thinking about teaching one of your courses at a destination abroad? Why not consider a faculty-led program? Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Make an appointment with the Office of International Education to discuss ideas. OIE will contact study abroad providers and follow up with information about options to pursue.
  2. Consult with your department for recommendations and support.
  3. Complete the Faculty-Led Program Proposal Form (we need the attached form to be put on the web with a link to the page) and review all information with OIE before acquiring signatures for program approval.
  4. Continue to meet with OIE to finalize program details (including academic aspects), logistics, costs, etc.
  5. Recruit students (OIE will assist).
  6. Once program plans are finalized, arrange with OIE for a pre-departure orientation (including risk assessment). Familiarize students with the region of the world chosen for the program (see modules on Council on Foreign Relations World 101 website https://world101.cfr.org/ ).
  7. Get ready to travel!