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Philosophy & Approach

We design our curriculum around the children. We believe children learn best when they are part of the curriculum. Therefore we document children's conversations and work. Teachers use this documentation to instigate an investigation centered on children's interests.

This curriculum is designed to  and focuses on meeting children's individual needs. The process identifies children's abilities, needs, developmental levels and learning styles. The teacher is then the facilitator who guides children and works beside them on a learning journey.

The Cobleskill Campus Child Care Center program is based on the philosophy that each child is a unique human being with his or her own personality, strengths, interests, and learning styles. Our curriculum and teaching approach is based on the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) publication on Developmentally Appropriate Practice as well as the Reggio Emilia Approach. The use of these two approaches enables children to learn through provocations and long term projects while supporting individuals’ needs.

We make learning visible by providing documentation boards throughout the building as well as, email updates called “Our Daily Journal” to inform you on what we are doing in your child's classroom.

We have an experienced teaching team whose knowledge and passion allows them to teach and inspire other professionals as well as always continuing to grow and learn themselves.


Mission Statement



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