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Summer Session Services


CobyCard is your official college ID card for your entire stay at SUNY Cobleskill. It is college policy for all students to have proper identification while attending SUNY Cobleskill. Summer students enrolled exclusively in online courses who do not plan on utilizing college facilities during the period of enrollment may choose not to obtain a college ID. To obtain your CobyCard, contact the CobyCard Office at (518) 255-5886, or cobycard@cobleskill.edu.

AccessABILITY Resources (Disability Support)

The office of AccessABILITY Resources is located in the lower level of the VanWagenen Library. Services and accommodations for student with a disability are provided through special arrangements.


Call the Library directly at (518) 255-5841 or check their webpage for a listing of building hours. Electronic library is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


No fee is required for on-campus parking (this applies only during the Summer Session). Students may park in any legal parking place. Parking regulations will be enforced for parking spaces designated for disabled students, tow zones, fire lanes, etc. If you have questions, please contact University Police at (518) 255-5317, unipol@cobleskill.edu.


Space may be available. Students in need of housing information should contact Residential Life at (518) 255-5215, reslife@cobleskill.edu.

Wellness Center

Limited health and counseling services are available by appointment. Contact the Wellness Center with any questions about specific physical or mental health care needs at (518) 255-5225.