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Official College Email Signature

Below, the office of Communications & Marketing provides a pre-sized logo perfect for email to simplify the process of updating.

You can highlight the picture and copy (CTRL + C on Windows or CMD + C on Mac) and then paste it (CTRL +V or CMD + D) into your signature field. Or, right click and "Save As" to download it and insert with the Add Image button on your email client.

Logo for Email Signatures


If you need assistance creating a new default signature or modifying one you already have in place, follow directions here depending on the platform and mail client you are using:

Windows Outlook 2013

Windows Outlook 2010

Outlook for Mac 2011

Mac Mail Client

Sample Signature: 

(optional preferred pronouns)
State University of New York at Cobleskill
Building and Room #
518.255.xxxx // email

Logo for Email Signatures
