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How to Get Your Story Out

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Help the Communications & Marketing Office get the story out about exciting developments at SUNY Cobleskill. Learn how to make the most of  C & M's media distribution services.

We consider the same news values taught to every reporter and editor:

Other News Values of Less Concern for Us:

Press Releases or Story?

If a story fits one or more of those criteria really well, a press release may be appropriate. We have a variety of curated distribution lists for different topics to get the news to the most receptive audience.

If the event/news item has already happened or is mostly of interest within the SUNY Cobleskill community, we will write it up as a blog post and/or push it out via social media.

What We Need to Know

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest

Our social media channels span broad demographics. We cover college-wide news, major events, student and club accomplishments, faculty and staff achievements.

Specific department pages have their own following. An example is Fisheries and Wildlife,  generating and posting their own content. We share department and club content as it relates to our channels.

We often link our social media posts to Media Hub.

We strongly encourage faculty, staff and students to connect with us regarding their achievements. We may suggest covering a story related to that request

Campus Calendar

Submitting your event to us through the calendar form is one simple step that can launch wide exposure for your event:

All of this exposure can boost attendance or participation in your event, but without advance notice, the calendar can’t serve its full potential. Some departments on campus send all of their events for the semester at the beginning so we can have “save the date” posts on the calendar, and then send details a couple weeks out to update the postings.

Exhibit and Print Graphics

How to Tell Us