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Hearing Process

Investigative Phase – Student Conduct Review

A member of the campus community refers the matter to the Student Conduct Office via “allegation of infraction” form.

The Director of Student Conduct reviews the referral and determines whether a charge filed has merit.  This investigation may include interviews with parties and witnesses involved.  

An intake meeting is scheduled with a Student Conduct Officer and a summons is sent to you (attached). 

During the student conduct review meeting:

The Student Conduct Officer will review your rights and responsibilities in the student conduct process, and answer any questions that you may have.

The Student Conduct Officer will present the alleged charges and description of the alleged incident with you.

You will have the opportunity to present information to the Student Conduct Officer. 

You will have the opportunity to either:

Choose to resolve your case by waiving your right to a hearing by pleading responsible to the conduct code charges during the student conduct review.  The Student Conduct Officer would then issue the appropriate sanctions for the conduct code violation(s).

Choose to request a College Faculty-Student Conduct Board hearing to resolve your case.  You may elect to resolve a case via a hearing for any reason, but students typically choose a hearing if they deny responsibility or feel that there is a discrepancy in the allegation against them.

Hearing Phase – Faculty Student Conduct Hearing Board

All students involved in the student conduct process will receive written notification at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.  The written notification will include a letter of summons to the Student Conduct Board, a copy of the charge of infraction or violation, and this information page.

A student conduct determination will be made based on a common sense application of the information and evidence presented.

Failure to appear or to respond to a summons prior to the hearing will subject the student to having the case adjudicated in his/her absence and/or the imposing of additional disciplinary charges.

Each student conduct hearing will follow the same procedure:

the hearing is called to order by the hearing facilitator;

the clerk reads the charge(s) of infraction or violation involving the student;

the hearing facilitator asks the student to make his/her plea;

the person bringing the charge(s) presents the case, which may include testimony of witnesses;

the student charged responds by presenting his/her case, which may include testimony of witnesses;

the members of the hearing board may question all those presenting information at the hearing;

the student charged may question witnesses and the person bringing the charges;

the hearing facilitator will ask everyone to leave the room while the hearing board consults privately;

if found responsible, Student Conduct Board sanctions will be determined based upon the circumstances of the case being reviewed and any disciplinary history of the student to be sanctioned.  Sanctions are imposed on a scale ranging from a reprimand to College dismissal.

the clerk asks the person charged and the person bringing charges to return to the room;

the chief magistrate reports and explains the outcome of the hearing and expectations for future behavior.