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About College in High School Program

Initiated in 1993, the College in High School Program at SUNY Cobleskill welcomes high school students to experience college-level academic rigor while being concurrently enrolled within their local high schools. SUNY Cobleskill CIHS has expanded to include over 75 course offerings, encompassing 15 academic disciplines within secondary schools, primarily within the rural Schoharie and Otsego County areas.

Students participating in this program register with SUNY Cobleskill at their respective high schools at a reduced rate of $50 per credit hour ($100 for a two-credit course, $150 for three credits and $200 for four credits). Consideration will be given by SUNY Cobleskill for any student demonstrating financial hardship (as verified by the high school guidance department). Successful completion of the course requirements entitles the student to receive college credit from SUNY Cobleskill. Credits obtained through this program provide students with advanced standing at SUNY Cobleskill and are eligible for transfer to other colleges and universities.

Student Eligibility

High school students in their final years of secondary education become eligible and are accepted into the program upon the recommendation of their respective high schools via guidance counselor, principal and/or teachers. Participating students will complete the same course requirements as matriculated students taking the college course on the SUNY Cobleskill campus.

Faculty Instructors

Courses available through the College in High School Program are taught by high school teachers at the students' respective schools. Each instructor has been accepted by SUNY Cobleskill as a part-time (adjunct) professor. CIHS instructor's qualifications and course(s) of study have been approved by SUNY Cobleskill faculty. 

Registration Process

Registration for the College in High School Program takes place at the respective high school within two weeks from the beginning of the high school year for a Full-Year or Fall Semester course, or within two weeks following the beginning of the second term for a Spring Semester course. See the CIHS Academic Calendar

In order to receive SUNY Cobleskill College credit, each student, with the assistance of the high school instructor, must complete a SUNY Cobleskill College in High School Program Admission Application and submit the application to the SUNY Cobleskill Educational Pathways Office. 

The high school will collect $50 per credit hour, per course, per student. The school district will issue ONE check for the course (payable to SUNY Cobleskill) forwarded to the Business Affairs Office. The instructor will also submit a completed Student Registration Roster to the Educational Pathways Office.