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CIHS Tuition

Tuition for SUNY Cobleskill College in High School courses is $50 per credit hour, ($100 for a two-credit course, $150 for three credits and $200 for four credits). This is a reduced rate from the $295 per credit hour for matriculated students who take classes on campus. Tuition is due upon registration with the respective high school. Receipts for tuition payment should be provided by the high school.

Students participating in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program may be eligible for reduced tuition. Documentation must be supplied to the Educational Pathways Office at the time of course registration.  Scholarships to assist students with tuition also may be available through respective high schools.


College Refund Policy

The refund schedule is outlined below. In order to obtain a refund, the high school instructor must email the Educational Pathways Office with the name of the student and the date of withdrawal immediately.


Tuition Refund Schedule

Withdrawal During:

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week or later

Amount of Refund:






Course Withdrawal

High school students in the College in High School Program may withdraw or be withdrawn without academic penalty up to the last day of the course. Students will receive a final grade of "W." The high school instructor must email the Educational Pathways Office with notification.