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CIHS Forms

There are several forms associated with the College in High School Program. All forms are submitted to the Educational Pathways Office through the high school offices. Students should not submit anything directly to SUNY Cobleskill. Forms are available for printing and completion by respective high school personnel. 

Completed forms with tuition payments are to be directed to:

Educational Pathways - College in High School
SUNY Cobleskill
Warner 218
Cobleskill, NY 12043


April to June  - to be completed by respective high school and SUNY Cobleskill personnel

CIHS Partnership Agreement  - Completed once every five years

CIHS Course Approval Form - Completed annually for Full, Fall and/or Spring semester

CIHS Course Renewal Form - Completed annually for Full, Fall and/or Spring semester,                                                                                                          if CIHS course and instructor previoulsy approved by SUNY Cobleskill                                                                                     Educational Pathways Office


First few weeks of school (September)

CIHS Student Registration Roster  - Completed by CIHS high school teacher

CIHS Student Admission Application  - Completed by high school student