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SUNY Cobleskill Auxiliary Services, Inc. (CAS) is a not-for-profit corporation committed to delivering quality services at competitive prices to the SUNY Cobleskill campus community. CAS strives to provide a quality dining services program, a convenient vending and laundry program located throughout campus, and student ID cards. We constantly try to improve the delivery of our services by talking to you, our guests, through surveys, focus groups and Tiger Talk comments. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Corporation to establish, operate, manage and promote educationally related services for the benefit of the college and its students. The Corporation will support the academic and administrative goals of the college and strive to provide the best quality products and services available along with maintaining the image of the Corporation and College, as it relates to the campus community.

CAS is a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Corporation that works in conjunction with SUNY Cobleskill. The board of directors is comprised of students, faculty and staff. CAS oversees the implementation of Campus Dining Services, Vending Machines, Catering Services, Laundry Machines, Bookstore contract and investments.

Board Members

Board meetings are open to the campus and scheduled three times in the Spring and Fall semesters in Knapp Hall, Room 203, 1:30pm-3:00pm. Dates for the Fall and Spring semester will be announced.

Food Certification

All food-handling employees at SUNY Cobleskill Auxiliary Services are required to to be certified in the National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe® Food Handler Program. We take pride in our service and quality, so we take every precaution to ensure that we are serving you quality and safe products. From our receivers to our managers, we require anyone in the food-handling process to be certified. ServSafe® is a five year certification, and all employees are required to re-certify prior to the expiration of their certificate. This ensures that our employees are continuously updated on changes to food-handling standards and provides a fresh reminder to those already certified. We even have an instructor on site!

Training for Intervention ProcedureS (TIPS®) is an educational training course teaching servers and managers responsible service, sale, and the consumption of alcohol. SUNY Cobleskill Auxiliary Services requires all servers to be certified in TIPS® in order to serve any alcohol in our facilities. While we do not offer or serve alcoholic beverages in our dining facilities, Coby’s Café has a full liquor license, and we do offer alcoholic beverages at certain catering events. TIPS® allows us to ensure that our staff can provide responsible service to our guests. We have a TIPS® instructor on site as well.

All CAS Production Staff holds an AllerTrain Certification. Certification ensures staff’s knowledge, training & confidence required to safely prepare and offer gluten-free and allergy friendly offerings for the campus community.


Code of Conduct


Dining Services is committed to providing you, our customers and guests, with a fresh, quality conscious meal of your choice in a courteous and timely manner.

We ask that you recognize that the campus as a whole dines together as a community and in that spirit, please acknowledge appropriate interactions while in our campus facilities.

To ensure everyone has the option of enjoying their meal in our dining rooms, we ask your cooperation in observing the above guidelines. Dining Services reserve the right to refuse admission to our dining facilities in the event these guidelines are not followed.


Community Service

CAS cares about our community. Not only do we support programs and services on campus, but we support our area community in different ways.



Healthy Dining: Eating and Living Smarter

Dining Services is making changes that will benefit you and minimize our impact on the environment by decreasing food processing needs and supporting organic and local growers. Here are some of the offerings you’ll see:

Reliable Nutrition Resources

Are you looking for more on a nutrition topic and don’t know where to get reliable information? You are not alone. Check out the list below to find reliable information on various nutrition topics.

  • Center for Nutrition Policy: Click on the MyPyramid Tracker to receive valuable feedback on your dietary intake and physical activity levels.
  • American Dietetic Association: An informative site with lots of good information on nutrition, exercise, and general health. If you are interested in becoming a nutrition professional, this site is for you!
  • Nutrition.gov: This government website has basic nutrition information that everyone can understand.
  • CDC: This site offers a great summary of how to be healthy (mentally, physically, and emotionally) while you are in college.
  • Beard Wellness Center: You may also visit SUNY Cobleskill’s Beard Wellness center for any questions and problems you may have.
  • Celiac.com: Information on Celiac disease, gluten free products and recipes.



CAS Dining Services collaborates with the college’s academic programs, local farmers, and the community to help lower our carbon footprint and bolster the local economy. CAS’s sustainability efforts include:


Take a look at a student produced video explaining some of our sustainability efforts!

CAS Sustainability Video
Video Credits: Alex Rose, Shania Marotta, Carter McDermott