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Meal Plans for Fall 2024

Resident and Commuter meal plans are available to all students at SUNY Cobleskill. A meal plan is required for all students residing on campus.

MEAL PLAN CHANGES for Spring 2025
Form will be available November 25, 2024 - January 27, 2025 @ 4pm
Call 518-255-5886 with Questions.

Only need to sign off on your CAS Terms and Conditions?
CLICK HERE for the Terms and Conditions Form!

All Freshmen Students living on campus are required to have the ChamplinUnlimited-PLUS Meal Plan for the Fall & Spring Semesters. This will automatically be on your campus bill.

All Upper Classmen living on campus are required to select one of the on-campus meal plans listed below. Weekly meal plans run from Monday breakfast to Sunday dinner and are for your use only.

Commuter students may choose the Silver Meal Plan, Flex Plan or Block of Bonus Meals.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: NO meal plan changes can be made after the first week of classes. Average points per day and week are approximations based on a 16-week semester and are for budgeting purposes only.

QUARANTINE: Students required to quarantine in Res Halls are still responsible for paying for any requested meals with their Meal Plan, Bonus Meals, Flex Points, Downtown Dollars or CobyCash. Please budget accordingly.

What's the right meal plan for me?

I'm a freshman : ChamplinUnlimited PLUS (or ChamplinUnlimited)

I'm a transfer | We recommend: ChamplinUnlimited PLUS • Elite • Gold

I'm an athlete | We recommend: ChamplinUnlimited PLUS • Elite

I'm not here on weekends | We recommend: Elite-PLUS

I'm a light eater | We recommend: Gold-PLUS

I have a very busy schedule | We recommend: Gold-PLUS

I live in Alumni Commons | We recommend: ANY residential plan – you're not limited to the AC plan.


Residential Plans


 Cost Per

Your Choice Meals

Bonus Meals

CobyFlex Points


(Unlimited Swipes in
Champlin and
an additional 10 Your Choice Meals
anywhere else)


10/week 2/week 150


(Unlimited Swipes in Champlin
an additional 10 Your Choice Meals
anywhere else)


10/week 2/week 150




10/week 2/week 400 0



10/week 2/week 400 250



8/week 2/week 550  0



8/week 2/week 550 250

Alumni Commons***

$2,075 5/week 2/week 300


Alumni Commons-PLUS***

$2,325 5/week 2/week 300


- NEW for Fall 2024 -
Meal swipes
have increased in value to $10.
Amounts over $10 will need to be paid with another tender+ 
(Totals under $10 do not receive change)
This will allow you to build your own meal anyway you like it!
Champlin All-You-Care-To-Eat is still ONE swipe for any meal.
+(ie: Cash/Debit/Credit/Downtown Dollars/Flex Pts)


Use your swipes at any dining location*:
Champlin Hall • Coby's  •  Farm Fresh Café • Brickyard Brewhouse • Twisted Whiskers

*Dining Locations are subject to change
**ChamplinUnlimited / PLUS plans can enter Champlin All-You-Care-To-Eat as often as desired.
***Must live in Alumni Commons to qualify for this plan, BUT you can choose any residential plan.


Commuter Plans



Your Choice Meals

Bonus Meals

CobyFlex Points



$1,318 5/week 5/semester 350 75

300 Flex
(can be added later)

$300 -0-
-0- 150 150

Use your swipes at any dining location*:
Champlin All-You-Care-To-Eat • Coby's  •  Farm Fresh Café • Brickyard Brewhouse • Twisted Whiskers

*Dining Locations are subject to change


What are Flex Points?

FlexPoints is a declining balance account associated with your CobyCard. One point is equivalent to one dollar. These points can be used at any CAS dining facility or vending machines. Coby FlexPoints have no cash value, are non-refundable and do not rollover.

What is CobyCash?

These funds can be used at any CAS Dining Facility, the College Store, and all on-campus vending machines. CobyCash does rollover and is refundable upon Graduation / Transfer / Withdrawl (issued in May).

What are Downtown Dollars?

Downtown Dollars can be added to your CobyCard, to turn your Cobycard into a Campus Debit Card. Can be used at any CAS Dining Facility, the College Store, on-campus vending machines, AND at any of our participating downtown vendors.

Downtown Dollar do rollover and are refundable upon Graduation / Transfer / Withdrawl (issued in May).


Can I add more to my plan later?

Yes! You can add more funds to your plan in two ways:


Are meal plans refundable?

Except for reasons of dismissal or withdrawal from college, no refunds will be authorized after the close of business on the Friday of the first full week of classes. Read our policy on refunds for meal plans >>

Do you have more questions?

We want to hear from you. Call the CobyCard office at 518-255-5886, email us at cobycard@cobleskill.edu, or stop by our office in Bouck Hall.