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Safety and Environment

Providing a safe and secure environment in which students may live, work, and learn is essential to the success of our campus environment. Through our staff, policies, and practices, the Residential Life Department is a key contributor to the many campus efforts in this regard. We encourage you to review our pages related to this topic and engage with us in the provision of this basic element of our campus housing program.

Safety is a personal responsibility. The College makes available to students a vast amount of information through printed materials, seminars and training opportunities. We encourage student interest and participation in such opportunities.

Professional Staff on Duty

When College is in session the Professional Staff members (Residence Directors) have direct, live in responsibility for the residence halls. Each evening a Professional Staff member is assigned duty for the ten residence halls. They are available to address problems and concerns in all residence halls as needed. Each evening the Professional Staff member who is on duty will also have their name and telephone number listed near each hall office. Call if you need help. These are highly trained and supportive professionals.

Resident Assistant

Each evening one Resident Assistant is on duty from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. in each of the residence halls. The RA's are on duty from 7:00 p.m. to midnight in each hall office and are required to make hourly rounds of the entire residence hall. Side entrances and the main doors are locked at all times. At midnight the RA's return to their assigned residence hall rooms and continue duty there until 7:00 a.m. On weekends, the RA that is on duty in each building is present in their building and available by phone continuously beginning at 7:00 p.m. Friday night through the entire weekend. During this time period they are responsible for responding to problems or emergencies. RA duty telephone and room numbers are posted near your residence hall office each evening. RA's are here to help; seek them out.

Night Hosts

Special student assistants are hired to serve as Night Hosts in each of the residence halls. These Night Hosts go on duty after the Resident Assistant closes the hall office at midnight. From midnight until 3:00 a.m. it is the responsibility of the Night Hosts to supervise the entry of all students into the residence hall. It is our goal to ensure that all individuals who enter the halls during these time periods are residents and/or approved visitors or guests. Please be prepared to present your official college ID during these times. Your safety is important to us.

Fire Safety

Each residence hall is equipped with modern fire detecting and fighting technology. These include: fire extinguishers, heat detectors, smoke detectors and pull boxes in every floor of each residence hall. Students found tampering with fire safety equipment will be subject to immediate suspension.

University Police Department  |  visit UPD webpage

Our University Police Department is on duty at all times. The Officers and Shift Supervisors (Lieutenants) provide foot patrols, vehicle patrols, bicycle patrols, law enforcement and assist with and participate in Student Conduct Code enforcement, educational seminars, and other forms of support for student, staff, and faculty every hour of every day.