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Degree & Enrollment Verification

Degree Verification

National Student Clearinghouse Logo
SUNY Cobleskill has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree verifications. You can find contact information for the  National Student Clearinghouse at www.degreeverify.org

We no longer provide degree verification by phone. Should you contact our office, we will refer you to the National Student Clearinghouse and provide your contact information to them directly at degreeverify@studentclearinghouse.org

Enrollment Verification

SUNY Cobleskill has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide students with official enrollment verifications.

Students seeking an enrollment verification must:

  1. Login to Banner Web
  2. Enter your student ID and pin
  3. Click on Student Services
  4. Select Student Self Service Enrollment Verification
  5. You will be authenticated and redirected to the National Student Clearinghouse site
  6. Select the appropriate option from the National Student Clearinghouse menu
  7. Select Save as an Adobe PDF (your only option)
  8. Save the file or print the file as needed to provide to whomever requests