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Transfer Credits

With verification of the Registrar, the appropriate dean, after consultation with department chair(s), may grant credit for courses completed successfully at other accredited institutions of higher education. Credits evaluated and accepted into one major field of study may NOT necessarily be accepted toward the major field requirements in another field of study. Change of major may require re-evaluation of transfer credits by the the Registrar's Office.

Credit may be granted for credit courses from accredited colleges, as certified by the Registrar, in which grades of "D" (1.00)* or better were earned, subject to evaluation by the appropriate school dean with input from the department chair. If the student's incoming cumulative average is "C" (2.00) or better, credit for "C-" or "D+" grades may be accepted.

* Certain degree programs require a grade of "C-" or better in major field requirement/track areas. If this is the case, the "D" grade will NOT satisfy these requirements.

A student must complete a minimum of 25% of their credits from SUNY Cobleskill to meet the residency requirements. A minimum of one-half of the residency requrements must be major field requirements. A student may appeal to the Provost regarding the residency requirement.

Courses which have been evaluated as "elective" may be used to fulfill degree requirement. The prefix FREL, or Free Elective, is used when there is no equivalent prefix at Cobleskill. When there is an equivalent prefix but there is not an equivalent course at Cobleskill, students will recieve credit at a 1XX or 2XX level for the subject area. Courses evaluated as "general elective" may only be used to fulfill the "general elective" requirement. The number of electives required may differ based on the student's curriculum and degree. If necessary, course equivalencies are determined by an appropriate department representative as determined by the dean.

All hours granted under "Cobleskill Equivalent" are semester hours. Transfer institutions which use quarter hours are so noted on the evaluation. Quarter hour equivalency is 2/3 that of semester hours.


Check out our Transfer Course Guide


Transfer Credit - Bachelor Degree

The work taken for the associate degree or equivalent will be evaluated and each candidate's program will be planned based on previous education and Bachelor degree requirements.

Approval of Credits Obtained at Other Colleges after Admission to Cobleskill

Students currently enrolled in a degree program must have prior approval from the advisor and school dean (via signature on a Permission to Transfer Credit Form) for transfer of credits obtained at other colleges after admission to Cobleskill. Repeat of courses at another college already taken at Cobleskill will not change the grade earned at Cobleskill.

Categories of Transfer Credit

In addition to credit received from other accredited colleges, the credits accumulated in the following areas also count toward degree: New York State College Proficiency Examination Program, the College External Examination Board Advanced Placement Examination, the College Level Examination Program and challenge examinations administered at SUNY Cobleskill.